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 Author Central - Will Goldstein


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Volume 28 Proverbs 1 (song #'s 1183 to 1272 is a 151 page songbook in lead sheet format with 90 new Christian songs. This project began on November 18, 2006, as I write notes in my original pencil scores regarding specific events in my life relative to a song and in this case the beginning of this enormous project. It’s been almost 17 years now, and at my age, I hope I complete the project with 175 more songs left to finish still only in pencil. There are many wonderful songs in this book that deal with how to face life with all its trials and yet find a better way through the teachings of those who have gone before us, and now leading us toward wisdom through the proverbs and riddles of the wise destined to enlighten the eyes of all truly seeking knowledge of God and the righteous path. Wisdom is crying out to all who will come, and as we learn to fear the Lord, and accept instruction, we traverse life with a more positive and blessed outcome. As we trust in the Lord and shun evil, we honor the Lord and embrace His tree of life. Our legacy is before us, sealed by the choices we’ve made, but the sweet air of freedom awaits all who give thought to the way of their life. Foolishness presents itself in countless forms, alluring with false promises, but always deceiving and ensnaring those who give way to the lust of the flesh. The way of righteousness is more precious than any fortune obtained by wicked means, as we obtain true wealth only in the eyes of God who longs to dine with the righteous. Dreams are either realized, or as mere fantasies, they fade away, but as we are vigilant and diligent we will find our way to heaven. A New World is coming,  awaiting the righteous, and God wants your service to establish His Kingdom. He promises peace and to be empowered from on High. So let us together work for the King of Glory and Truth.


Volume 27 Ballads of Genesis (song #'s 1098 to 1182) is a 283 page songbook in lead sheet format with 85 new Christian songs. The promises of God laid out in Genesis, given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are clearly seen as being fulfilled today, as is evident concerning the land that today we call Israel. These ballads tell the amazing stories from long ago of this great ancient people that lived in this land, the people that God had chosen to be His inheritance. Deuteronomy 32:9 NASB "For the Lord’s portion is His people; Jacob is the allotment of His inheritance." In regards to the end times, Jesus Christ says in Matthew 24:34; Mark 13:30; and Luke 21:32 - "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place." I believe Christ was talking about this current generation that began at the institution of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. The future of this planet, first laid out in this amazing book is before us. The countdown is on! I say, “Watch, and be ready for earth's coming events!”  


Volume 26 Epistles in Song Collection 3 (song #'s 1076 to 1097) is a 48 page songbook in lead sheet format with 22 new Christian songs. The New Testament books, Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1 & 2 John & Jude, are the focus of the songbook with some of the major themes including Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Savior and Great High Priest, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, submitting to God given authority in our churches, members of the body trained and disciplined to do good works, God's wisdom from above is to be our guiding light, Judgment for the disobedient, just as Noah and his family escaped the coming flood, so we too can be rescued from the coming wrath of God, baptism into the faith, calling for a life steeped in repentance, through our faith, we are to make every effort to obtain goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, and godliness, for as we succeed in this, we will truly understand love for the brethren and for all people, our need for a clear conscience, knowing the will of God and keeping His commands, so that we have indeed become a light to the world and through His perfect love working through us we have found the way to eternal life. The last song in this volume, 1097 “Cleansed By The Blood of The Lamb,” was finished on Christmas Day 2021, and marks the end of songs I wrote based on The New Testament that were inspired by morning meditations over a period of about 45 years. Merry Christmas Jesus! As always the timing was not planned by me, but surely by God!


Volume 25 Epistles in Song Collection 2 (song #'s 1049 to 1075) is a 49 page songbook in lead sheet format with 27 new Christian songs. The New Testament books, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus, are the focus of the songbook with some of the major themes including blessings, grace, mercy, peace, love, thankfulness, hope, being faithful, and blameless while doing God’s will, to stand firm in the midst of our trials, the crown of eternal life, being strong in the Lord, preaching and teaching of the Word to the nations, the mystery of godliness, our salvation through Christ alone as the one Mediator between God and man, the qualifications to be a church leader such as an elder or deacon, and a song taken from Titus about being a woman of God which is joined in this collection with Proverbs 31, "A Woman of Noble Character." 


Volume 24 Epistles in Song Collection 1 (song #'s 1014 to 1048) is a 69 page songbook in lead sheet format with 35 new Christian songs. The New Testament books, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, are the focus of the songbook with some of the major themes including the Mosaic Law, our need for a Savior, God's grace through Christ, Christ living in and through us, faith, our need for Christ, justification before God, we are now a new creation, saved by grace and not by works, the seal of the Holy Spirit, our spiritual adoption as sons, the authority and headship of Christ, the great riches we have in Christ, unity in Christ, humility, submission to God ordained authority, the armor of God, hardship we face in life, God's plan for us to serve Him and help establish His kingdom, to live our lives worthy of the calling of Christ, Christ is the image of the invisible God, His sacrifice for us at Calvary, we are being made perfect in Christ, forgiveness, using our gifts, God is watching all that we do, and He will reward the faithful, and open a door for each of us to better serve Him.


Volume 23 Corinthians (song #'s 979 to 1013) is a 60 page songbook in lead sheet format with 35 new Christian songs. The New Testament books, I & 2 Corinthians, are the focus of the songbook with major themes including living by the Spirit of God, and addressing divisions among the believers concerning such things as food, sexual integrity, worship, and the resurrection. A few of the well known phrases in verses that are central themes and titles for songs from these books are The Mind of Christ, Fools For Christ, The Author and Finisher of Our Faith, Jars of Clay, Ambassadors For Christ, and His Grace Is Sufficient For Me. Our lives should reflect generosity, humility, our own human weakness and our dependence upon the power of God working in our lives through the Holy Spirit, as we put our faith in Christ.


Volume 22 Romans (song #'s 951 to 978) is a 49 page songbook in lead sheet format with 28 new Christian songs. The New Testament book, Romans, is primarily concerned with doctrines relating to the gospel, and is the inspiration for the songs found in this songbook such as: God is self-evident through nature, our depravity and need of a Savior, restoration through Christ, the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit., God’s mercy is revealed to us through the blood of the Lamb, salvatio by His grace alone leading to our forgiveness and faith in Him so that we may receive resurrection life as instruments of His righteousness. 


Volume 21 Climbing New Heights With Christ (song #'s 875 to 950) is a 156 page songbook in lead sheet format with 76 new Christian songs, and is a wonderful songbook in the Shades of Blue Light Series with songs from most of the Epistles, having many swing tunes, and written with a focus on growing to maturity in the Christian faith through a strong and consistent faith in Christ, and the role of the Holy Spirit in our life drawing us closer to our Lord as we rise day by day in the ladder of ascent toward holiness. 


Volume 20 Acts (song #'s 838 to 874) is a 52 page songbook in lead sheet format, based on the book of Acts in the New Testament with 37 new Christian songs. This songbook has many themes including songs of healing, repentance, evangelism, growing in Christ, faithfully preaching the word, baptism, love for God and our fellow man, and worship to name a few.


Volume 19  Shades of Blue Light and Dark Shadows On The Kingdom (song #'s 794 to 837) is a 87 page songbook in lead sheet format, many of the songs being in a swing style, with a primary focus on dealing with sin, problems and consequences of corruption in the leadership of current day Christian religious institutions, repentance and the forgiveness of God for those truly seeking Him, and a section on combating the devil and his agents.


Voumes 16, 17 & 18
"Be Ready For Christ, Our Coming King"

  is a very long song cycle - 333 songs  - a tribute to The Holy Trinity (129 songs from previous volumes but 204 new songs) including scriptures from the Old and New Testament subdivided into 3 Parts (volumes) including 19 sections - pertaining to the Second Coming of Christ, and our future in Christ 


Part 1: volume 16 (song #'s 583 to 652) 


1. The Dawn of A Kingdom 

2. Salvation and The Way To The Kingdom 

3. Planting Seeds For The Kingdom and Missions 

4. Wisdom, Holiness and Courage While Waiting For The Kingdom 

5. Ancient Timeline - God’s Judgment of Wickedness & The Day of The Lord 

6. False Prophets and The Fall of Ancient Babylon 

7. Daniel and The Last Days Prophecy - The Seventy Weeks 

8. False Prophets, Antichrist and Persecution

Part 2: volume 17 (song #'s 653 to 743) 


9. The Anointed One and The New Promised Land 

10. The High Court of Heaven and Daniel’s 70th Week Begins 

11. Signs of Christ Coming & The First Three and One-half Years of The Great Tribulation 

12. The Elect and The Rapture 

13. Lament For The Earth & The Second Three and One-half Years of The Great Tribulation 

14. The Harvest of The Earth and The Wrath of God 

15. The Fall of Mystery Babylon, The Wedding Feast of The Lamb & Satan Is Bound For 1000 Years 

Part 3: volume 18 (song #'s 744 to 793) 


16. The First Resurrection 

17. Millennial Kingdom – Paradise – The Restored Garden of Eden 

18. God's Final Judgment 

19. Eternity In Heaven 


Volume 15 Isaiah Songbook (song #’s 500 to 582) is a 131 page songbook in lead sheet format with a primary focus on the prophetic message of the Prophet for the future of this planet and universe, for that matter, as well as our eternity with Christ that we shall all share as children of God. The overall character of the music is devotional and spiritual with various song and choral ensemble forms including solos, chants, duets, trios, SATB, and canons with countermelodies. 


Volume 14 Mass For The Saints (song #'s 494 to 499) is a 49 page songbook in lead sheet format for SATB choir with chords based on the Ordinary of the Mass translated into English from the ancient Latin liturgical text of the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei. 


Volume 13 The Good Shepherd (song #'s 487 to 493) is a 157 page songbook with lead sheets, scores, and vocal and instrumental parts on a wide range of instruments with a focus on the way God through Christ displays His goodness to us and also includes seasonal pieces. 


Volume 12 The Pure Light of Heaven (song #'s 436 to 486) is a 99 page songbook in lead sheet format with a primary focus on righteousness, doing the will of God through good deeds, walking in the Light, mystical theology and heaven. The overall character of the music is devotional and spiritual with various song and choral ensemble forms including solos, chants, duets, trios, SATB, and canons with countermelodies. 


Volume 11 Christ, Our Sanctifier (song #'s 364 to 435) is a 121 page songbook in lead sheet format with a primary focus on the words of Jesus concerning sanctification & holiness. The overall character of the music is devotional and spiritual with various song and choral ensemble forms including solos, chants, duets, trios, SATB, and canons with countermelodies. 


Volume 10 Christ, Our Healer (song #'s 327 to 363) is a 51 page songbook in lead sheet format with a primary focus on the words of Jesus concerning healing and forgiveness. The overall character of the music is devotional and spiritual with various song and choral ensemble forms including solos, chants, duets, trios, SATB, and canons with countermelodies. 


Volume 9 Parables (song #'s 306 to 326) is a 42 page songbook in lead sheet format primarily focused on the words of Jesus through His Parables with interpretations. The overall character of the music is devotional and spiritual with a wide range of choral ensemble forms including solos, chants, duets, trios, SATB, and a 2 Part canon with 2 countermelodies. 


Volume 8 Songs of Our Savior (song #'s 209 to 305) is a 133 page songbook in lead sheet format based on the words of Jesus (Red Letter) with an emphasis on our eternal salvation and guidelines concerning our belief, our words and actions and the characteristics of those who Jesus, according to His own words, would refer to as true believers or the chosen. The overall character of the music is devotional and spiritual with a wide range of choral ensemble forms including solos, chants, duets, trios, SATB, and many different varieties of canons with countermelodies. 


Volume 7 The Inner Journey (A Cantata of Prayers, Meditations and Exaltations to The God of All Creation) (song #’ 197 x to 208) is a reduced version of 76 pages in lead sheet format with lead vocal and choral parts that was derived from the full 238 page Cantata written for orchestral ensembles mixed with choir, and soloists. The work is subtitled “A Cantata of Prayers, Meditations and Exaltations to The God of All Creation.” The Inner Journey is in its purest sense the journey of my heart and mind into the presence of our wonderful Lord and Savior, and perhaps these reflections will help you in your walk with Christ as well.


Volume 6 The Third Day (The Last Days Of Jesus) An Opera in 7 Acts

     The Third Day, subtitled The Last Days Of Jesus, (song #’ 129 x to 196) is a 177 page opera in 7 acts including 75 songs and no spoken text that switches freely from the time of Christ to present day and back with a vast array of historical characters and present day vocalists as well. All the songs are in lead sheet format with lyrics, melody and chord symbols that can be used by a director/conductor with a band comprised of vocalists with guitar, keyboard, bass and percussion.


Volume 5 The King’s Highway (song #'s 118 to 128) is a 24 page songbook in lead sheet format, and is a lovely collection of 11 songs that leads us on a journey into the path of what it means to walk with the Lord Jesus as a Christian.


Volume 4 Deuteronomy Songbook (song #'s 75 to 117) is a 69 page collection of 43 new Christian songs based on the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, and designed specifically for the worship service in lead sheet format with lyrics, melody and chord symbols.


Volume 3 The King Is Here (song #'s 61 to 74) is a 47 page New Testament musical play with 14 songs and 23 narrations and dialogues that can be produced very simply on a small stage or platform, which would be available in most schools and churches.


Volume 2 Old Testament Bible Heroes (song #'s 46 to 60) is a 46 page musical play with 15 songs and 23 narrations and dialogues that can be produced very simply on a small stage or platform, which would be available in most schools and churches.


Volume 1 Christ, Our Savior Songbook (song #'s 1 to 45) is a 110 page collection of 45 Christian songs designed specifically for the worship service in lead sheet format with lyrics, melody and chord symbols.

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